Are Sore Muscles the Proof for An Efficient Workout?

There are a wealth of opinions online about what sore muscles actually mean for you before, during and after a workout. Fitness enthusiasts and wannabe alpha males will tell you it means you’re doing the right thing and that you need to keep going, in line with that ‘no pain, no gain’ mentality. Other safe […]

How to Increase Your Testosterone Level

The usual level of testosterone in an adult male is 00 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) or 10 to 35 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L.) If that sounds complicated or (more likely) like complete gibberish, that’s because, unless you’re a doctor, the grasp of testosterone levels in the male body is not really a massive […]

How to Get Mentally Prepared for Starting Your Fitness Journey

We’ve all experienced the same hurdles with fitness. How do we ease ourselves into it? How do we find the time? And, more often than not, we all have the same question…how do we get mentally prepared? It is not an unfounded concern. 99% of attempts to work out and get fit get stuck at […]

How Many Hours You Should Work Out as a Man

The age-old question of how long a man should work out for is as old as the concept of working out itself. Whether it’s because of age, build, lifestyle or just a lack of knowledge about routines, we’re all too often left wondering if we’ve done enough hours, or whether we’ve possibly done too much […]

5 Reasons Your Muscles Aren’t Growing

If you’re like any man who embarks on a fitness journey, you’ve no doubt experienced the frustration of setting aside time, putting in more than enough hours of quality intense cardio and muscle building exercises, then wondering why those pectorals, abs and biceps are nowhere to be seen. The fat may have burned off, but […]

Can a Male Get a Sixpack in 30 Days?

The ultimate physical sign of success, as well as a confidence boost, is the presence of a visible six pack. Toned abs and a fit, tight core are just two of the indicators that your exercise routine is really hitting the mid section properly. Most people who train will gradually see the beginnings of that […]

At What Age Do Men Have the Most Energy?

A common question people have when training is whether they are too far ‘over the hill’ and if they have enough energy to work out, enjoy a productive day and generally get the most out of life. We all occasionally feel like we have more energy on some days than others, and it is definitely […]

Use Superset to Build Big Muscles

If you have been lifting weights for sometime or have been reading bodybuilding magazines and journals, you would have probably heard of super setting. However, how often have you seen people super setting when weight lifting? If you did, did you notice those guys who were super setting were almost invariably the bigger boys. If […]

Natural Hair Loss Preventions

There is a lot of conjecture over what does and doesn’t work in the battle against baldness. It is true that once baldness has started to show itself and creep in, it is definitely harder to fight, and often the sufferer finds themselves resorting to hair transplants or ‘plugs’. However, there are a number of […]

Male Pattern Baldness

Anyone who suffers from male pattern baldness will attest to it being an absolute confidence destroyer as well as what feels like a losing battle. Every time a balding person combs their hair to try and cover up a thin patch, they uncover another, or they find more dead hairs in their comb than last […]